The Internet Works

Our Services: CMS Systems & E-Commerce Solutions

Content Management (CMS) Systems

Content Management (CMS) Systems are the best way our industry has to provide a Web site structure that allows for people without HTML coding skills to add, edit, and delete content from a site. The Wikipedia entry for Comparison of Content Management Systems" shows a very long list of different systems based on several different platforms. So any discussion of CMS systems needs to focus on your requirements, your budget, your intended use and how your Web site will be incorporated into your business processes.

Content management systems (CMS) are our best way to put you in control of regular site updating

Some very popular options that small and medium sized businesses choose to meet the needs we mentioned above, but on a limited budget are WordPress, Joomla!, and Drupal. These options use platforms based on Web server software tools that are readily available and quite affordable. If your business has needs that are more in the enterprise class, then we would encourage you to call or contact us to discuss your specific situation. We can help determine the best platforms and tools to use for your solution.

And if you already have a site built on a CMS and you need help with it in any way, call or contact us. We have the experience you need to solve your pain points.

E-Commerce Solutions

The topic of E-commerce solutions is also very broad and deep. And as such, the discussion of them must be in the context of what your needs are. Some of the basic questions are:

  • Are you a B2B or B2C business? How many products are you selling?
  • Are your products simple or complex to specify for purchase?
  • What payment types will you accept?
  • Since ecommerce Web sites are database driven, are your products already in database form; if so what platform?

If you need an e-commerce solution, or if you already have one and need support for it, do call or contact us. We have many years of experience and would be happy to assist you in any way we can.

We can provide an ecommerce solution of any scope tailored to your precise needs.

These are just a few questions to start the discussion.

If you need an ecommerce solution, or if you have one and need support for it, be sure to call or contact us to discuss it. Our years of experience can be your best asset, especially when making initial decisions about what technologies to make long-term commitments to.