Category Archives: Web Site Development

How Can I Improve My Site Ranking?

How Can I Improve My Web Site Ranking in the Search Engines? How to improve a Web site’s ranking is a common question asked by many Web site owners.  That question has complicated answers.  This article is intended to give some insight into this question to a Web site owner who does not maintain his […]

How Do I Make an XML Sitemap?

What is an XML Sitemap Anyway? An XML sitemap is a small file with lines of simple XML machine readable code that list the HTML files, the image files, and the audio and video files that are part of a Web site.  Google uses it to easily see what pages and other files make up […]

Help Your Google Ranking with SSL?

Really??  So a secure Web site will rank better in Google than an unsecured site?  But I thought we only needed to have a secure site if we were doing online transactions involving credit card info, or if we were requesting certain kinds of info from viewers. It’s true; Google announced recently that they will […]

How Does Your Web Site Look?

When you ask yourself this question you probably think about how long it has been since your site has been updated, and the fact that the look and feel is just soo dated. Or that the colors and graphics are soo “yesterday”, or that you’re just simply tired of it. Not to mention that the […]