Category Archives: SEO

How Can I Improve My Site Ranking?

How Can I Improve My Web Site Ranking in the Search Engines? How to improve a Web site’s ranking is a common question asked by many Web site owners.  That question has complicated answers.  This article is intended to give some insight into this question to a Web site owner who does not maintain his […]

How Do I Make an XML Sitemap?

What is an XML Sitemap Anyway? An XML sitemap is a small file with lines of simple XML machine readable code that list the HTML files, the image files, and the audio and video files that are part of a Web site.  Google uses it to easily see what pages and other files make up […]

Help Your Google Ranking with SSL?

Really??  So a secure Web site will rank better in Google than an unsecured site?  But I thought we only needed to have a secure site if we were doing online transactions involving credit card info, or if we were requesting certain kinds of info from viewers. It’s true; Google announced recently that they will […]